I am off to Puerto Vallarta loves! I shall return on May2nd! Maybe I will upload some of the pictures. : ) I will miss your lovely comments and reading your blogs : (
Sorry, its been awhile since I've posted anything! Just yesterday I saw Noah and The Whale live and I must say... I love British boys with curly hair! Haha: If you don't already know about Noah and the Whale, Check them out !
This jacket is STILL on my wish list ( which is currently 2 pages long; maybe I'll create a detailed post C: ). I am in desperate need of a spring jacket.
Just wanted to post a picture of my outfit. It's nothing big. I couldn't find my camera so I had to use my web cam! I still wear my leather jacket all the time! I've grown attached to it. I have my eye on a light denim jacket from cheap monday that I absolutely adorable... I'll find a picture of it later.
I just got my invitation to this lovely site. I believe it will be better than Polyvore, just give a few months. I created this look in ( or less than) 2 minutes, which is the reason why it sort of sucks. I gotta get ready for school! xoxo