
Thanks Aunt!

My Aunt just got back from Monaco. or lets just say France.
She bought me these lovelyyyy pants! check em out:

Definitely going to wear them with my doc martens. OH !I am going to Mexico in a couple weeks (again!). Afterwards, I am going to New York for a week. I AM SO EXCITED TO SPEND ALL OF MY MONEY ON CLOTHES IN NEW YORK. I have an legitimate excuse: I am going to school in the middle of NOWHERE Washington. Hopefully they will have nice thrift stores/vintage haha!


Marisa said...

Ooh sounds like fun, can't wait to read your posts on your travels. I don't know if you like Marc Jacobs but if you go to their Marc by Marc Jacobs store when you go to NY, they have a special items line and you can buy lots of Marc Jacobs stuff for relatively cheap!

Boubou said...

bonjour !
first time i come across your blog so im gonna visit it :)
if you wanna be inspired by my collages or just dream, come and take a cup of tea in my blog :)
a très bientot !
Boubouteatime xx

fred said...

great blog.
I love down editorial.

ilikethisonealot said...


Frances Davison said...

those pants are wicked x

James said...

Those pants are suppperr Arabic. It's really cool if you look at Arab/Islamic fashion, because everyone assumes that only girls wear face coverings and big black veils. It's actually really vibrant and kinda cool...just not western sexy.

mutima said...

cool pants lucky you:)

btw i gave you an award on my blog check it out. x


nikky said...

where'd you get your doc martens? i need some too!

Anonymous said...

Nice pants)

etoilee8 said...

You look awesome. What a great outfit!